This Needs a Better Title, but I Can't Think of One - Basically It's About a Guy Named Guy
Guy Knickerbocker - the first time I met this man several years ago, it was all I could do to remain calm and composed as he struggled to articulate himself. It literally took him almost 10 minutes to say something that the average human could have expressed in 2 minutes or less. You see, Guy Knickerbocker is a surviving stroke victim. The stroke statistics for the United States alone are quite alarming. About every 40 seconds someone in the U.S. has a stroke. Every 4 minutes someone dies of a stroke. Of the 15 million people worldwide who suffer from a stroke each year, 5 million die and another 5 million are permanently disabled. (Stroke statistics quoted from and While Guy was blessed to remain in the 66% of stroke victims to remain alive, he joined the 33% of those who are permanently disabled. Visually, Guy would appear to be your typical 80-somethin...